How to Save Money on Computer Software by Using Free Software
1. If you bought a computer without an operating system rather than buying a copy of Windows XP or Vista, which can cost around $200, try an alternative operating system, like Linux or BSD. Ubuntu, Mandriva and Puppy are free and user friendly Linuxes.
2. If you bought a computer that has Windows installed but does not have Microsoft Office, try using OpenOffice.org. It can do everything Microsoft Office does, including opening and saving Microsoft Office file types.
3. Try an Open Source Software Distribution for Microsoft Windows such as OpenDisc, WinOSSCDRom, GnuWin, WinLibre, OSSCD, Kiaora or PortableApps for a USB stick.
4. Look around. Almost every software has a free alternative. Granted, some of them are more difficult to learn how to use than others, but sometimes it's good to learn something new, especially if doing so can save money.
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