
Curi Password Facebook dgn Javascript by Z3r0_Un0 c

Tutorial 100% Work (buruan sebelum bugsnya diperbaiki)

Syarat supaya kode ini bisa jalan:

1) kalau anda tidak percaya dengan, anda bisa mencobanya dengan menggunakan akun email anda, lalu tuliskan password anda seperti biasa.
2)sebelum login anda bisa overwrite command pada url: dengan kode javascript dibawah. Setelah kode tersebut anda dapatkan tinggal copas aja langsung ke browsernya, kemudian tekan enter

copy paste code javascript dibawah ini:

3) Akhirnya akan muncul dialog box yang menunjukkan password yang dihidden atau asterick pasword.

Setelah password dan idnya anda dapatkan, saran saya itu id cuman dilihat-lihat doang.Atau kalau mau nampang, upload aja itu file foto keren kamu ke akunnya. Sapa tahu dia cewek manis, dan anda bisa berkenalan dengannya. Hehehe. Saya tidak bertanggungjawab jika anda merusak atau mengubah passwordnya. Semua ulah iseng anda tanggung jawab. Anda hehehe



Cara Lihat Private Photo Facebook Tanpa nge ADD

Di Facebook saat ini salahgunakan untuk hal2 yang tidak baik,terutama hal2 yang berbau pornography terselubung. .Coba saja search di search facebook keyword yg berbau2 porno. .Pasti akan di dapat hasil yang berbau pornograpy juga,seperti group sex,group lesbian,gay dan lain2.Dgn biodata yang lengkap,ada email dan nomer hp maka secara tidak langsung bisa jadi ajang prostitusi online. .Mungkin oleh sebab itu oleh MUI Jawatimur Fb itu di haramkan! . .Tapi menurutku sih tidak separah itu,mungkin ada yg menyimpang tpi banyak juga yang agak baik kayak kita2 he he . . .
Oke langsung saja saya kasih info tools app yang bisa melihat photo yg bukan dari friend list kita. .Caranya gampang saja tinggal masuk ke link di bawah dan loggin dengan akun facebook kita.
oke berikut caranya.

* Pertama loggin dulu di Fb.
* Kemudian search dulu user mana yang punya kecenderungan berphoto seksy ria . .Biasanya para cewek2 lesbian biasa begini.
* catat atau copy username target

* lalu open new window dan ketik link ini :

* login lagi dgn akun FACEBOOK anda dan setujui segala ketentuan yang ada.
* Masukkan username yang kita search tadi,n klick get photo.
* akan ada beberapa pilihan photo,n klick yang dikehendaki.
* selamat. . Anda akan di suguhi gambar2 indah.
* Pergunakan App ini dgn bijak.




Termehek - Termehek Ternyata BOHONG

Acara televisi yang digemari banyak penonton, yaitu Termehek-mehek, mendapat sorotan tajam dari Komisi Peniyaran Indonesia (KPI). Menurut lembaga yang di antara tugasnya adalah mengawasi dan menertibkan penyiaran itu, acara Termehek-mehek membohongi penonton. Ditegaskan oleh Wakil Ketua KPI Pusat, Fetty Fajriati Misbach, tidak seluruh tayangan Termehek-mehek yang disiarkan stasiun TransTV merupakan realitas atau kenyataan.

“Mereka bilang itu reality show (pertunjukan tentang kenyataan yang sesungguhnya, red), padahal bukan. Itu membohongi masyarakat,” kata Fetty usai sosialisasi hasil pemantauan KPI di Batam, Kamis (11/6).

Termehek-mehek adalah salah satu acara televisi yang paling disukai oleh pemirsa. Tayangnya pada waktu utama (prime time) yaitu pukul 18.15-19.00 WIB serta back song-nya yang keren dan syahdu, membuat acara ini makin memikat. Acara tersebut disiarkan dua kali dalam sepekan yakni setiap Sabtu dan Minggu.

Menurut Fetty, tayangan Termehek-mehek telah dibumbui skenario yang didramatisasi. Jadi, sudah seharusnya tim program Termehek-mehek jujur dengan menyebut Termehek-mehek sebagai drama reality, bukan reality show.

“Selain itu, pemberitahuan di akhir acara yang kira-kira berbunyi, ‘Tayangan ini telah mendapatkan persetujuan semua pihak yang terlibat,’ membuktikan pembohongan,” kata Fetty. “Dengan tulisan itu, seolah-olah itu tayangan nyata,” tambahnya.

Di tempat yang sama, Panca, perwakilan Trans Corporation (perusahaan yang menaungi TransTV), mengakui bahwa Termehek-mehek tidak murni kisah nyata, melainkan drama reality.
“Dari awal, kita maunya drama reality, tetapi AC Nielsen tidak memiliki genre itu,” kata Penca. Ia sudah menduga pengotakan Termehek-mehek ke dalam jenis acara reality show akan menjadi masalah.

AC Nielsen merupakan lembaga, yang salah-satu jasanya adalah bergerak di bidang survei dan riset terhadap media massa. AC Nielsen kemudian menyusun peringkat (rating) atas tingkat daya tarik produk yang dihasilkan oleh media massa itu, yang biasanya akan dijadikan acuan bagi pemasang iklan.
Dalam hal acara televisi, semakin tinggi rating suatu acara TV menurut survei AC Nielsen, biasanya akan semakin besar menarik pemasang iklan. Berdasarkan data AC Nielsen pada akhir tahun 2008, Termehek-mehek termasuk acara televisi paling populer dengan raihan rating 7,2 poin dan share 27,3 persen. Ini adalah peringkat tertinggi dari semua acara yang dilabeli reality show yang ada di stasiun-stasiun televisi.
Dijelaskan oleh Aulia Indriaty, perbedaan antara reality show dan drama reality terletak pada fakta. “Reality show masuk dalam tayangan non-fiksi, sedangkan drama reality masuk pada fiksi,” kata dia.

Pada drama reality, kata dia, sebuah kenyataan bisa didramatisasi sehingga menghibur. Adapun tayangan non-fiksi harus murni kenyataan, tanpa rekayasa. “Reality show tanpa skenario, drama reality dijalankan sesuai naskah,” kata Aulia dari KPI Kepulauan Riau.

Berdasar Kisah Nyata
Dalam bahasa Jawa, istilah nggak mehek kurang lebih berarti meremehkan atau menganggap kecil sesuatu. Namun termehek-mehek mempunyai arti menangis tersedu-sedu. Acara Termehek-mehek muncul sejak sekitar Mei 2008 dan langsung menarik perhatian mayoritas pemirsa TV.
Ide acara adalah untuk membantu mencari seseorang yang lama hilang. Jalinan cerita yang ditayangkan begitu mempesona karena dibuat seakan-akan itulah adegan nyata yang sebenarnya
Pernyataan Wakil Ketua KPI yang menyebut tayangan Termehek-mehek semata sebuah drama reality, diakui sepenuhnya oleh pihak TransTV. Meski demikian, menurut TransTV, setiap tayangan Termehek-mehek dibuat berdasar true story atau kisah nyata.

“True story tetap ada sebagai patokan. Namun, ketika jadi sebuah tayangan, ada dramatisasi dan itu wajar. Ini kan tontonan, jadi harus menarik,” ujar Hadiansyah Lubis, Head of Marketing Public Relations TransTV kepada Surya, Kamis (11/6) malam.

Menurut Hadi, pelaku tayangan Termehek-mehek bisa jadi adalah pemilik kisah nyata itu sendiri. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan dilakoni oleh orang lain.
“Tapi, bagaimana pun ide dasarnya dari true story, yang kemudian diuraikan jadi sebuah tontonan menarik bagi pemirsa,” ungkapnya.
Ditanya lebih lanjut, Hadi tidak bisa menyebut sudah berapa episode tayangan Termehek-mehek berlangsung. Tapi, diakui Hadi, sejak awal penayangannya, rating-nya cenderung mengalami kenaikan
Berdasarkan informasi dari seorang karyawan Trans Corporation, hampir setiap hari di stasiun TV tempatnya bekerja itu diadakan casting atau seleksi bagi para pemain yang hendak berakting di Termehek-mehek.
“Casting-nya di lantai dasar, biasanya siang hari, memang nggak terlalu banyak pesertanya,” ujarnya.

Tidak ada tulisan casting Termehek-mehek yang dipasang di tempat itu. “Kalau ada tulisannya, nanti semua tahu. Kalau gini yang tahu kan cuma orang kantor,” tutur karyawan yang tak mau disebut namanya itu.
Menurut Arif, seorang mahasiswa sebuah perguruan tinggi swasta di Jakarta, kepastian bahwa Termehek-mehek bukan reality show diperoleh dari temannya yang pernah menjadi pemain dalam acara itu.
“Sehari setelah tampil di acara itu, saya telepon dia, ternyata dia menjawab itu bohongan. Dia main seperti bintang film, mengikuti skenario. Jangan heran kalau kita mendapatkan seorang pelaku bermain di dua episiode Termehek-mehek,” kata Arif.

Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) menilai aspek kerugian konsumen akibat kebohongan acara Termehek-mehek bisa saja dibawa ke ranah hukum. Caranya melakukan gugatan class action atau bersama-sama terhadap penyelenggara program.
“Asal ada lebih dari satu orang bisa saja (menggugat). Tapi ya itu kembali ke konsumen apakah memang merasa dirugikan. Selama ini kan mereka diam saja,” kata Husna Zahir Ketua YLKI kepada Surya.

Namun, menurut Husna, di tengah persaingan bisnis stasiun televisi, konsumen sebenarnya punya banyak pilihan. Jika tidak suka atau merasa dibohongi oleh suatu acara, penonton sebetulnya dengan mudah bisa beralih ke siaran stasiun TV lain.

sumber : jbok



Hati-Hati buat Pengguna FACEBOOK

Sekedar share info buat para pengguna facebook yang lagi booming ditanah air, karena sekarang sudah ada software yang mampu meng HACK facebook yang ditemukan oleh salah seorang hacker. Cara kerja software ini cukup mudah, kalian tinggal memasukan email facebook teman kalian yang mau di hack, trus pilih FREEZE tunggu deh sampe software ini melaksanakan tugasnya hingga 100%.mudah kan cara kerja software ini jadi silakan coba sendiri aja ya….saya pun dah mencobanya ternyata software ini dapat membekukan/freeze acount facebook kita dalam hitungan jam. kalo udah lewat dari 1 s/d 5 jam maka acount facebook kita dapat terbuka kembali seperti semula….



Tips Mengubah URL Facebook dengan Username

Facebook memiliki fitur baru yakni memperbolehkan user untuk register username buatan sendiri untuk pertama kalinya mulai Sabtu (13/06) pukul 12:01 a.m EDT. Berikut beberapa hal yang perlu dipehatikan untuk mengubah username Facebook :

Username Facebook akan diberikan dengan layanan yang pertama kali datang, akan mendapatkan pelayanan pertama. Jika ingin mendapatkan sebuah username, maka user harus bersabar, karena username di URL tidak akan berubah secara langsung setelah username dibuat.

Setiap account Facebook hanya boleh memiliki satu username, dan bahkan user tidak bisa mengubahnya lagi setelah sekali dibuat. User tidak bisa mentransfer username ke siapapun, bahkan ketika user menghapus account di Facebook, username tidak akan kembali.

Facebook memang mendorong user untuk memasukkan real name user. Untuk itu, system baru ini masih akan berkutat dengan aturan tersebut, dengan menyarankan beberapa pilihan username yang masih berkaitan dengan first atau last name user. Namun, selain itu juga menyediakan kotak kosong dimana user dapat mengetikkan username yang memang tidak berhubungan dengan real name.

Berharap dapat membuat username seperti contoh “”? User tidak eprlu mencobanya karena Facebook tidak mengizinkan username dengan ‘kata umum’, seperti “pizza” atau “flower”. Semua term mengenai full list kata yang tidak bisa dipakai juga telah disediakan Facebook.

Username Facebook juga harus memiliki panjang minimal 5 karakter dan hanya mengandung huruf, angka dan period. Jika mencoba username dengan simbol atau karakter khusus seperti $#@% maka dipastikan hanya membuang waktu user.

Facebook hanya memperbolehkan user yang sudah memiliki acount di Facebook, mulai tanggal 9 juni pukul 3 p.m untuk register username di minggu ini. Jejaring sosial mengungkapkan bahwa pre-caution tersebut digunakan untuk mencegah user dari pembuatan nama dengan tujuan menduplikasi nama. Untuk user yang baru akan membuat account Facebook setelah waktu itu, maka user harus menunggu hingga 28 Juni pukul 12:01 am untuk mendapatkan nama baru user.

Untuk pemilik Facebook Pages, seperti perusahaan public, organisasi, atau public figure harus register sebelum tanggal 31 Mei agar bisa menampilkan URL username. Selain itu, Facebook Pages harus memiliki setidaknya 1,000 fans di tanggal 31 Mei untk mendapatkan username.

Facebook menerapkan proteksi atas property intelektual dan trademark rights atau bisa dibaca di website Facebook ( _notice=1).

Username Facebook akan segera tampil di URL user (, tergantung dengan setting privacy user, dan siapa yang dapat melihatnya. Ketika setting profile user dibuat private, maka username juga akan menjadi private walaupun di bagian URL yang baru.

Username Facebook yang sudah dibuat user akan tertampil di URL, dan di kemudian hari Facebook akan memanfaatkan fitur URL dengan username dengan fitur lainnya.



"Alnect Komputer" Toko Online Terlengkap, Termurah dan Berkualitas

Alnect Komputer adalah suplaier produk yang bergerak dibidang Informasi dan teknologi. Alnect Komputer sudah sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat IT akan produk-produknya yang terkenal murah dan berkualitas (bergaransi). Kepercayaan masyarakat IT pada Alnect Komputer bisa dilihat pada setiap kali di adakan pameran komputer, Stand penjualan Alnect komputer selalu dipadati oleh pembeli yang mengantri. berita tadi membuktikan bahwa produk yang ditawarkan Alnect Komputer selalu diminati oleh masyarakat pengguna IT. Alnect Komputer juga melayani pembelian secara online melalui situsnya di bila anda merasa harga yg ditawarkan mahal anda dapat berkonsultasi melalui 08122721175 atau bila anda kebetulan berada di jogja silahkan datang langsung ke toko Alnect Komputer di Jln. Raya Janti, Kruwing No.1 Yogyakarta Telp (0274)486844.
di bawah ini beberapa review dari produk Alnect Komputer:

Netbook Advan Vanbook A1N70T + BONUS!!

Netbook keluaran advan dengan mengusung performa dari prosesor Atom keluaran Intel berasitektur 45nm . Lebih hemat daya dalam penggunaan baterainya. Performa yang cukup baik ditunjukkan netbook ini. Dengan berat hanya 1,2Kg netbook ini cukup mudah dibawa kemanapun Anda menginginkannya. dapatkan harga promo hanya di Alnect Komputer untuk pemesanan dan info lebih lanjut klik Detil Produk

Bagaimana dengan review produk diatas,Apakah anda tertarik? bila tertarik buruan langsung pesan, biar ga kehabisan. satu hal lagi yang patut di acungi buanyak jempol, sebagai wujud perhatian Alnect komputer pada dunia internet, saat ini sedang mengadakan Alnect komputer Blog Contest periode I. Hadiah utama contest ini sebuah laptop sob dan masih ada ratusan hadiah lainnya, "keren ga sob! dan yang bikin mupeng semua itu tanpa biaya sepeserpun alias gratis-tis. Gimana, tertarik ga sob! buruan klik disini untuk ikutan.

review produk lainnya

Kamera Spectra Vertex 507

Kamera saku digital dari Spectra Camera bisa berfungsi sebagai PC Camera (Webcam) melalui koneksi USB ke PC atau Notebook. Kamera digital yang valuable dan terjangkau. dapatkan harga promo hanya di Alnect Komputer untuk pemesanan dan info lebih lanjut klik Detil Produk

Kingston/UFD Kingston DT-G2 4GB

DataTraveler Generation 2 (G2) USB Flash Drive sangat Ideal digunakan untuk di rumah, kantor, bisnis kecil, dan lingkungan sekolah. Berguna untuk menyimpan data-data mobile anda di setiap pemakaiannya. dapatkan harga promo hanya di Alnect Komputer untuk pemesanan dan info lebih lanjut klik Detil Produk

Hadiah blog contest Alnect Computer

- 1 unit Notebook Acer Aspire untuk juara 1
- 1 unit Notebook Advan A1N70T Black untuk juara 2
- 1 unit Kamera Digital Sahitel DB705C untuk juara3
- 5 unit Modem HSDPA Prolink PHS100 untuk 5 orang pemenang
- 10 unit Usb Flash Drive Kingston Dt-G2 8 gb untuk 10 orang pemenang
- 100 Unit USB Flash Disk Kingston DT-G2 Kapasitas 4GB untuk 100 orang pemenang

hadiahnya keren-keren sob, kayaknya nyesel deh klo ga ikutan... ayo tunggu apalagi buruan daftar, mumpung masih anget dan gratisan. mumpung masih ada kesempatan silahkan gabung disini

Untuk mendapatkan Tiket anda bisa klik gambar dibawah ini

Alnect computer Blog Contest



Update Key KIS KAV 2009 100% working

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Update KIS 2009 will be update every i found new key so keep visit this site.

note : before u exchange new key don't forget to delete old key.



Request Software,crack,serial,keygen

You can Request software,crack,serial,keygen in here with leave a comment box or in shoutbox

best regard

copas team



DVD Shrink

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DVD Shrink is a software application that allows you to backup your DVD disks.You can use this software in conjunction with DVD burning software of your choice, to make a backup copy of any DVD video disk.

DVD Shrink does not burn DVDs! The output from DVD Shrink is saved as files on your hard drive, which you can then burn to a DVD-R using separate burning software, such as the software provided with your DVD-R drive.

Why Use DVD Shrink :
Most DVD titles are designed to prevent you from making copies.

The first preventative measure is encryption. Most DVD titles are encrypted, which prevents you from either copying them to your hard drive, or if you manage to do so, being able to play the resulting files. DVD Shrink overcomes this problem with built-in decryption algorithms.

The next problem is not so easy. Most DVD video titles are simply too large to fit, without modification, onto a single recordable DVD-R disk. DVD Shrink overcomes this problem by modifying or "shrinking" the data from your original DVD.

DVD Shrink provides two ways of shrinking your DVD disk. These are re-authoring and re-encoding. You can use one, or the other, or for maximum "shrinkage", both combined.

Last but not least, why use DVD Shrink? Because DVD Shrink is FREE!

License / Price : Freeware / FREE
Size / OS : 1 MB / Windows All




Nexus Radio 3.2.2

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Search and download over 15 million songs directly to your PC

Nexus Radio is an all-in-one solution for radio listeners who want to record their favorite radio content for playback on their PC, or any portable device that supports MP3s.

Search and download over 15 million songs directly to your PC, or listen to and record over 8000+ radio stations free of charge! You can play downloaded songs directly within Nexus Radio, or transfer songs to your iPod/iPhone or any other multimedia device effortlessly.

In addition to a library of rich music content, Nexus Radio is also loaded with additional free easy to use music tools. Create custom ringtones using the built in music trimmer, or use the Nexus Radio ID3 tag editor to easily tag your music files.

Users can also create a custom profile and take advantage of the other many free services we offer. You can upload photos, create personal blogs, establish groups, and post events all for free!

Here are some key features of "Nexus Radio":

· Over 15 million songs.
· 8000+ radio stations.
· 38 music genres.
· Full featured media player.
· Straightforward audio editor.
· One click recording.
· Easy to use TiVo style recording.
· Recording filters.
· iPod & iPhone compatible.
· File support: AAC, MP4, MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV & WMA.
· Dynamic stream recorder with auto file naming features.
· Automatic ID3 v1/v2 tag support.
· ID3 v1/v2 tag editor.
· 32 Bit Digital effects.
· 5.1 Surround Sound.


· Intel Pentium or Xeon processor /AMD processor
· 128MB of RAM (256MB recommended)
· 12MB of available hard-disk space
· Color monitor with 32-bit color video card
· Sound Card
· Internet connection required

Reasons why this program is marked as adware:

· Offers to download or install software or components (Ask Toolbar) that the program does not require to fully function

License / Price : Adware / FREE
Size / OS : 10.2 MB / Windows 2K / XP / 2003 / Vista




Phonebook Search Assistant 1.0

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The power of the white pages on your desktop.

Phonebook Search Assistant is a reverse directory searching, reverse address searcher and people searcher, all with the ease of a desktop application. No browsers opening and no pages to navigate, gets a reply in its own window.

License / Price : Freeware / FREE
Size / OS : 253 KB / Windows All




Phonewebcam Publisher 3.2

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Publish your webcam or network/WiFi IP camera securely to mobile phones

Phonewebcam Publisher is a secure and easy method to publish your private webcam or network/WiFi IP camera to mobile phones. Simple to use setup wizard ensures quick start without requiring specialist knowledge. The Publisher is designed to complement existing systems, thus enhancing a camera system that you may have already implemented.

Unlike browser based systems which usually transmit images in the clear, all image data is compressed and scrambled from the camera to the viewer using a proprietary PKI shared key 128bit cipher and a purpose built protocol. User account can be managed from any PC using our secure SSL website. High security features make Phonewebcam perfect for children's nurseries, home security and businesses.

The Publisher continues working as a relay service once user has logged off PC. Features include snapshot, changeable skins, themes, plus customised sound alerts, offline image, text/image overlays and camera controls.


· Internet connection

Size / OS : Freeware / FREE
Last Updated : 8.8 MB / Windows 2K / XP / 2003




Sony Ericsson PC Suite 5.009.00

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The Sony Ericsson PC Suite is a free software application that enhances the functionality of your Sony Ericsson mobile phone.

The Sony Ericsson PC Suite connects your phone to your computer so you can synchronise and manage your personal data (such as calendar and contact information) and connect your computer to the Internet via the phone.

Installation instructions
Download the file to a temporary folder on your PC.
It is recommended that you uninstall any previously installed version of the Sony Ericsson PC Suite.
Execute the downloaded file.

If you are updating to a newer version of the Sony Ericsson PC Suite, you may need to restart the PC after the new installation is completed.


· desk-stand, Infrared or Bluetooth
· Microsoft Outlook/Lotus Notes/Lotus Organizer
· At least 100 MB free hard disk space
· Windows 98 with SP1: 64 MB RAM, 200 MHz
· Windows 98SE: 64 MB RAM, 200 MHz
· Windows 2000 Professional with SP2: 64 MB RAM, 266 MHz
· Windows ME: 64 MB RAM, 200 MHz
· Windows XP Professional: 128 MB RAM, 300 MHz
· Windows XP Home: 128 MB RAM, 300 MHz


· This version of the Sony Ericsson PC Suite is generic in the sense that it provides a connectivity solution for several different phones from Sony Ericsson. The consequense it that not all installed PC applications will work with every connectable phone. This is due to different phone capabilities.

License / Price : Freeware / FREE
Size / OS : 15.8 MB / Windows All




Theme Creator Pro for Sony Ericsson 3.1.260

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Theme Creator Pro - A powerful tool designed to create, edit, browse and manage themes for Sony Ericsson mobile phones

Theme Creator Pro is a powerful utility designed to help you create, edit, manage and browse themes for Sony Ericsson mobile phones.The user-friendly user interface and some smart functions permits you to work efficiently and create themes in minutes.
With the latest version of Theme Creator Pro you can create and preview themes for following phone models:



· user-friendly user interface
· fast WYSIWYG theme preview engines
· theme browser to preview and manage themes with copy, move, rename and delete functions
· theme editor, with some smart functions to help create themes quickly
· ability to recognize missing pictures in themes
· ability to save theme preview pictures
· color check function to avoid selection of the same or to similar colors
· additional theme information - Extended Theme Tags (ETT) like "Creator", "Modified by"
· exact 256, 512 and 4096 color palettes for T6x, T3xx, T226 and T23x phone models
· theme optimizations
· theme templates
· theme properties with extract feature
· extract pictures directly from previews
· image wizard
· TAR wizard to create themes manually

Valid for all colour screen phones except P800/P900

License / Price : Freeware / FREE
Size / OS : 1.1 MB / Windows All




Y! Multi Messenger 8.x and 9.x

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Y! Multi Messenger allows you to run multiple instances of Yahoo! Messenger instead of only keeping one open.

This is perfect for those who run under several names. There are others out like this...but have an "update prompt", this does NOT have that!
Yahoo! Messenger for Vista:
We currently do not have a compatible version of YMulti Messenger for the newest Yahoo Messenger for Windows Vista!

Y!Multi v8 and v9 Instructions:

The version 8 patching program is NOT version specific, it will work with all versions of YM 8! All you need to do is launch the Y!Multi Messenger.exe file and then you can select to enable or disable the polygamy patch. Once its patched (either way) it will remain that way until changed again. The only time you will now use the Y!Multi Messenger.exe file is to change the actual patching, otherwise, you will now use the normal Yahoo Messenger icons.

Installation Instructions:

Before installing, please read ALL included documentation! Run the installation setup program to install Y!Multi Messenger. This will automatically install to C:Program FilesYahoo!Messenger. If you have installed Yahoo Messenger to a different folder, make sure to reflect the correct path in the Y!Multi Messenger setup wizard. Failure to have it install to the Yahoo Messenger program files folder will likely result in dll (driver file) errors.

Up/Downgrading Instructions:

Should you upgrade or downgrade versions of Yahoo Messenger, please delete the Y!Multi Messenger.exe file from the Yahoo program files folder first, then uninstall/upgrade Yahoo Messenger. Then if you are wanting to install Multi, make sure you have the same version of it and install it. It is important to delete the Y!Multi Messenger.exe file before up/down grading it as sometimes it may not get overwritten and can cause errors!

License / Price : Freeware / FREE
Size / OS : 20 KB / Windows All




Windows Live Messenger 2009 14.0.8064.0206

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Due to a request from Microsoft, this download has been removed temporarily. However, Windows Live Messenger 9 will be available for download here as soon as it is oficially published. Check back often to ensure you don't miss it!

This is Windows Live Messenger version 2009 aka Windows Live Messenger 9, the latest version of Windows Live Messenger from Microsoft. WLM, right now, is in beta stage, so ONLY beta testers will be able to sign in!
Ta da! It's the next-generation MSN Messenger. Along with everything you already love about Messenger-your contact list, emoticons, instant access to your friends-there are brilliant new ways to connect and share your photos (and other stuff). As always, Windows Live Messenger is free to download Messenger and use most of its features.

License / Price : Freeware / FREE
Size / OS : 24 MB / Windows XP / Vista




Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus

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Free, effective protection against computer viruses

AntiVir Personal Edition is a software that helps you protect and monitor your PC.

AntiVir software is a reliable free antivirus solution, that constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs (such as viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, hoaxes, worms, dialers etc.), monitoring every action executed by the user or by the operating system and being able to react promptly when a malicious program is detected.

Protects your computer against dangerous viruses, worms, Trojans and costly dialers.

Avira AntiVir Personal gives you the following functions:
· Control Center for monitoring, administering and controlling the entire program
· Central configuration with user-friendly standard and advanced options and context-sensitive help
· Scanner (On-Demand Scan) with profile-controlled and configurable search for all known types of virus and malware
· Integration into the Windows Vista User Account Control allows you to carry out tasks requiring administrator rights
· Guard (On-Access Scan) for continuous monitoring of all file access attempts
· Integrated quarantine management to isolate and process suspicious files
· Rootkit protection for detecting hidden malware installed in your computer system (rootkits) (Only for 32-bit systems)
· Direct access to detailed information on the detected viruses and malware via the Internet
· Simple and quick updates to the program, virus definitions, and search engine through Single File Update and incremental VDF updates via a webserver on the Internet
· Integrated Scheduler to plan one-off or recurring tasks, such as updates or test runs
· Very high rates of virus and malware detection using innovative search technologies (search engines) and heuristic search processes
· Detection of all common archive types, including detection of nested archives and smart extensions
· High-performance multithreading function (simultaneous high-speed scanning of multiple files)

Avira AntiVir Personal is free for personal use only

Here are some key features of "Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus":

· Protection against viruses, worms and Trojans
· Protection against expensive dialers
· Detects and deletes rootkits
· Raised scan speed
· Redesigned visual appearance


· At least 100 MB of free hard disk memory space (more if using Quarantine for temporary storage)
· At least 192 MB RAM under Windows 2000/XP
· At least 512 MB RAM under Windows Vista
· For installation: Administrator rights
· For all installations: Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher


· Not for Commercial or Business use

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· Quarantine manager: the number of columns has been reduced
· Quarantine manager: send files using HTTP
· System tray tool: display the status of modules on mouse-over
· Last system scan: individual configuration of the alert message
· Renaming "Win32 Heuristic" to "AHeAD" in the configuration panel
· Support for netbooks (screen resolution)
· Configuration panel: new button "Default Values". This button allows you to restore the configuration to the predefined default values
· New installation folder and registry keys for all products: "C:Program FilesAviraAntiVir Desktop" and "HKLMSoftwareAviraAntiVir Desktop".Now there are no differences between the products AntiVir Personal, AntiVir Premium and Premium Security Suite any longer
· Configuration wizard after setup
· Process protection for GUI processes
· File and folder protection for AntiVir files and folders
· Registry protection for AntiVir keys
· Scanning of locked files
· Scanner: combined display of malware detections and one-click removal...

License / Price: Freeware / FREE
Size / OS : 28.6 MB / Windows 2K / XP / Vista




How to Use SQL

SQL stands for Structured Query Language and was originally developed by IBM in the 70’s to interact with relational databases. It is the common language for databases, remains fairly readable and it is relatively simple to learn the basics (although the language can be very powerful).


1. 'SQL' is usually pronounced like 'sequel' but some people spell it out as 'S.Q.L.'
2. There are various dialects of SQL but most widely used database engines today adhere to the SQL99 standard from ANSI, and many vendors have implemented extra features to extend that standard (the Microsoft 'flavour' of SQL is called T-SQL or Transact-SQL).
3. Getting the Data Out! This is what it usually is all about. For this we use the SELECT statement; it will query or retrieve data from a SQL database.
4. A simple example would be something like: 'select * from tblMyCDList' which would get all columns (that's where the * comes in) and rows in the table 'tblMyCDList'.
5. Queries are usually much more complicated than this. The select can be used to tease out particular columns and rows out of a table and even link data from multiple tables or, for that matter, databases together.
6. If we want to filter the rows returned by the select statement, a where clause is needed to qualify the recordsets returned. 'select * from tblMyCDList where CDid = 27' will retrieve the rows where the field CDid is equal to 27. Or 'select * from tblAttribute where strCDName like 'Dark Side%' ' uses a wildcard representing zero or more instances of any character and will hopefully show that my collection does have my favourite Pink Floyd album.
7. INSERT and UPDATE statements are used to add and change data in a SQL database (check the links below for some excellent tutorials that can take you further).
8. The DELETE statement is used to remove data from a SQL database.


* It is very easy to attach to SQL databases from within Microsoft Access (it's query tool can be used in SQL mode although the syntax has differences from that used with SQL Server and other databases).
* Microsoft Query is a tool that comes with Windows – it has graphical or SQL query modes.
* Under Linux, the most popular databases are likely MySQL and PostgreSQL. If the console seems not convenient, use ExecuteQuery or some other similar open source tool.
* The following book may be helpful: Kline, Kevin, Daniel Kline and Brand Hunt. 2001. SQL in a Nutshell. 2nd Edition. O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
* Use wamp or xampp an easier web server with phpmyadmin (mysql)

from wikihow



How to Use Ccleaner

CCleaner(crapcleaner) is a useful tool for cleaning out accumulated internet or file waste. When reading this it is recommended that you read it through with the tips before deleting anything.


1. First open CCleaner
2. Go to the Cleaner tab and you will be confronted by a very confusing lineup of checkboxes.
3. To make this brief, below is my recommended setup:
4. Under internet explorer check temporary internet files, cookies, and last download location. Most users don't really need this stuff. keep history and bookmarks unchecked, history is a maybe, but you don't want to lose bookmarked sites. You can normally leave Windows Explorer, System, and Advanced alone.
5. Run CCleaner and it will start deleting files.
6. afterward it will present you with a list of the files deleted, you really don't need to go through it as it will be several pages long.
7. The registry cleaner is recommended for slightly more advanced users. Use it after uninstalling programs as they will often leave behind incorrect registry entries.
8. If you decide to run Registry cleaner then review the items detected and always back up the registry (I keep a folder aside for this)
9. The Tools tab lets you uninstall programs and set startup programs. Why do you need this if Windows has all of these features? Especially with Vista Home Ed. The windows defender software explorer( startup programs) doesn't pick up some entries (however software explorer is easier to use).
10. Using CCleaner to uninstall programs and then check for leftover registry entries takes less time.
11. Under Options you can determine how CCleaner cleans your files. I leave this alone.


* You might want to check the Recycle bin because CCleaner auto empties it.
* Make sure you aren't deleting needed files, press analyze before clean and backup the registry.
* Check the Applications tab under Clean as Firefox users might need to uncheck some of the options to prevent deleting history.

Posting from wikihow



How to Save Money on Computer Software by Using Free Software

1. If you bought a computer without an operating system rather than buying a copy of Windows XP or Vista, which can cost around $200, try an alternative operating system, like Linux or BSD. Ubuntu, Mandriva and Puppy are free and user friendly Linuxes.
2. If you bought a computer that has Windows installed but does not have Microsoft Office, try using It can do everything Microsoft Office does, including opening and saving Microsoft Office file types.
3. Try an Open Source Software Distribution for Microsoft Windows such as OpenDisc, WinOSSCDRom, GnuWin, WinLibre, OSSCD, Kiaora or PortableApps for a USB stick.
4. Look around. Almost every software has a free alternative. Granted, some of them are more difficult to learn how to use than others, but sometimes it's good to learn something new, especially if doing so can save money.

Posting from wikihow



How to Make Exe Files Using Notepad

hought ain't it possible? It is. But it's a "little" typical.

1. Make a table with Alt+xxx combinations where xxx is a three digit number. This table will be a reference for you. Try all the way from alt+000 to alt+999. Keep this handy, preferrably in printed form.
2. Open an EXE file, probably, a small one. If you know C or C++, make a basic "Hello World!" program and open its EXE.
3. See what characters are used.
4. Open a new notepad file.
5. While referring to your table, go on entering the characters exactly as in the EXE you opened.
6. Save the file as a .EXE when you're done.
7. Run it.


* Prepare the table first before you start.
* Making a whole new EXE is not possible. You can only copy existing ones. To make an original EXE, learn a programming language.



How to Make Windows Detect a USB Flash Disk

USB (Universal Serial Bus) drives are now the thing to have! Say goodbye to CD-ROMs and those corruptive Floppy Disks, because they are in the past. Keep reading to learn how to make Windows detect a USB drive.


1. Make sure you are connected to the internet. Windows goes on the Internet through its database of drivers and will locate the correct driver for your computer.
* When you are connected to the internet, and you have an XP computer, a balloon will appear in the lower right hand corner and it will install itself.
* If you not connected to the internet, and cannot connect, then visit the manufacturer of your USB drives that does have internet access (e.g. friend's house, library).
2. Download the driver of the website, save it onto a disk, and bring the disk to your house.
3. Install the driver, and next time you plug in the drive, it should work.


* Reset your usb drivers that are not functioning correctly: Go to "device manager" by right clicking on "My Computer" from the start menu on the desktop. Then under the left side of this new screen choose "Device Manager" under "Computer Management". On the right side open up "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" right click on the one causing the problems and choose "Uninstall". Then choose "Ok" to remove the device. After, click on the white space in this same window then choose the icon at the top of the screen "Scan for hardware changes", this will scan and reload/install your corrupted drivers. At times you can remove all of the USB storage drivers with this method so that all drivers reset by the method above. (Do this at your own risk). Tip from eProvided USB Thumb Drive Recovery Company

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How to Learn Computer Applications

A guide to learning computer applications.

Entering a new computer application can be stressful because it seems new or so different from what you are used to working with. That is not really so; with rare exception (and that is mostly specialized applications) all commercial applications have the same “look and feel”

1. Look at and read the entire open window. Do not get tunnel vision on one portion of the window.
2. Review the entire menu bar or menu bars.
* Click on File, noting that it relates to actions for handling files. Actions such as Open, Close, Save, and so on. Edit, Insert, Format are all items related to those actions.
* Tools is a catch-all menu for actions that don’t comfortably fit elsewhere.
* Windows is for handling windows tiling, switching between, and creating new windows and so on.
3. Click the right mouse button while the arrow is touching any menu bar and in most Microsoft and other applications a pop-up menu appears so you can open other menu bars or close others.
* Help is the online documentation for the application and is the best source of information about the application and how to use it.
4. Look up and find Shortcut Keys, these are key combinations that make your work go faster and more efficient. Examples:
* Hold the CTRL down and press A, that selects all
* Hold the CTRL down and press S, that saves the document
* Hold the CTRL down and press Z, that is UNDO
5. Select text or a picture. Then the keys X,C, and V are important. In order they are Cut, Copy and Paste. Anytime you have repetition on a page these keys are life savers and it is when the mouse and the keyboard are used together; the mouse is used to select and CTRL + C to copy then the mouse is clicked on a new area and CTRL + V to paste.

Posting from wikihow



How to Customize Windows XP Visual Styles

1. Download the Neowin UX Patcher from This file patches a system file called uxtheme.dll located in %WINDIR%\System32 (usually C:\windows\system32\), which handles the files that are your visual styles. The patch will modify this file so you can use visual styles not signed by Microsoft. If the patch is not working or is not there, search Google for the file "uxtheme.dll" and the program Replacer. Replace the current uxtheme.dll in your system32 folder using the program. It will ask you to restart. If you went this way, go to step 4.

2. Extract the ZIP file by using third party software or by using the compression program that comes with windows. (Right click on the file and click Extract All)
3. Run the patch program. Follow the directions exactly. It will ask you to restart your computer. Do this and once it is restarted, you are ready to download Visual Styles.
4. Download a style. Try ThemeXP, Neowin, and DeviantArt. The styles may come in a ZIP format that you'll need to extract.
5. Look for a .msstyles file and a folder named shell somewhere in the file you extracted. Go to %WINDIR%\Resources\Themes (usually C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes).
6. Take a careful look at the .msstyles file you downloaded. You need to create a folder that has the exact same name as this file (except for the .msstyles extension). Once you do this, move the files into this newly created folder.
7. Right click on your desktop and click properties. Go to the Appearance tab. There is a drop down menu labeled Windows and buttons. Look on this menu for your visual style. It may or may not have the same name as your .msstyles file. You visual style may have a color scheme. Check the color scheme menu for options. Choose the one you like the best.

from wikihow



How to Choose Business Software

Software is supposed to make it easier to run your business, but too often it is a source of frustration and expense. The proper program will help you manage cash flow, analyze sales and improve efficiency while the wrong program can throw your financial records into a tailspin that will cost you both productivity and money to recover from. It is important to have a game plan to select software that will work for your business without breaking the bank. There are hundreds of products available and they come in a myriad of configurations and technologies, so here is a simple guide to finding the right tools to get the job done.


1. Get the big picture. What are your reasons for shopping for new software? Make a list of the challenges you’d like the software to address and separate it into two categories; Needs and Wants. Your Needs list should be very brief and should consist only of the features absolutely necessary in order for the software to work for your company. Your Wants list can be much broader and features should be listed in order of importance, encompassing all of the capabilities that will make life easier. For instance, you may need a segmented general ledger in order to track performance for individual divisions, but it may be just a Want to close out the quarter for each division at separate times.
2. Determine your budget. Calculate how much you can afford to spend, including any new hardware needed as well as first-year implementation and support. The cost of the software is important, but it is equally crucial to know what your recurring costs will be. Will you need someone to set up new hardware? Can you use a general accounting application or will you need extensive customization? Database consulting and customization is generally $100-$200 per hour depending on the platform and the experience of the consultant so the further down your list of Wants you go, the more expensive the software implementation will be.
3. Narrow the playing field. Once you are equipped with your Needs list and a preliminary budget, you should be able to quickly eliminate many products based on a lack of features or too high of a price tag. There are many sites listing available accounting software packages and allowing you to search by features or platform. Many of these sites also include pricing information, making it much easier to quickly whittle down your list of potential vendors. Choose 4-5 packages that look like a good fit based on factors like specialization in supporting your size or type of business, longevity, depth of product line and breadth of support for the product. Focus on companies that are clearly designing products with one eye on the future. This is evident if they are building products that will easily integrate with other software packages and they are using platforms and technologies that are supported by industry leaders. Choose a platform that has a broad base of users (like Microsoft Access or Visual Basic) so you won’t have trouble finding resources to keep it running down the road.
4. Evaluate the features of the semi-finalists. Which packages offer the most features from your Wants list? Even if they are not within your budget now, you may be able to purchase add-on modules down the road. What product enhancements are planned? Are they features that will be useful to you and how quickly will they become available? Often you can negotiate a discount on additional modules prior to their official release.
5. Select your finalists. Most software companies will allow you to download demos of their software or request a demo on CD. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the interface and see how some of the key functions work. Look for good design and clearly marked functions. Is it easy to figure out how to enter an order? Can you easily switch functions and does the software allow you flexibility in creating new records or do you have to follow a strict data entry procedure? This is a true test of which products are going to be a good fit. You can rule out products that are under- or over-qualified for your business and narrow down the 2 or 3 products that you are comfortable with.
6. Get input from your internal users. The people who will use the software are often your best resource in making decisions. Ask your order entry specialist about the limitations of your current system; does invoicing take too long resulting in decreased productivity? What other features would your internal users like to have? How would they save time and increase profitability? This will quickly point to any inefficiencies in your current package and alert you to the features you should look for in potential packages. Additionally, this has the added benefit of speeding internal buy-in when you do begin implementing your new software. Employees will be much more receptive to a package that improves their workflow.
7. Make your final selection. Before doing so, make sure that you feel comfortable with the product as well as the vendor. If the salesperson is too pushy or you feel that they are not able to provide you with the information you need, don’t be afraid to ask to speak with someone else. It is important that you feel comfortable with your decision because you will be spending money and, more importantly, time in implementing your new software.
8. Select your implementation service provider. You may be able to find service providers through referrals from other business owners and friends, particularly if the package you’ve chosen is written in a widely-supported database like Microsoft Access. However, even when this is the case, it is often a good idea to request some referrals from your software vendor. In many cases this may save you money by introducing you to a consultant that is already familiar with the product you’ve selected and can reduce the time required to get you up and running. It is vital to work with someone you can communicate easily with to set expectations and budget at the beginning so that costs don’t spin out of control.
9. Do a final evaluation. Review the information you received from the vendor and the implementation service provider to ensure that the products you are purchasing dovetails with the services you have planned. This will ensure that there are no gaps once you get to the implementation stage and will give you a chance to finalize your upfront costs as well as project your ongoing costs for training, support and maintenance on a yearly basis.
10. Establish your timeline. Plan your implementation carefully to avoid your peak busy times and to allow for system redundancy to ensure that none of your data is lost during the transition period. Many businesses feel compelled to change accounting systems at the beginning of the fiscal year, but often this means implementing your new system at the end of a fiscal year when most businesses are focused on sales and business performance. Most accounting systems will allow you to begin implementation at any time without any loss of data or additional work. Don’t feel rushed to do it at the end of the year; schedule it for a less stressful time and let your implementation service provider work with you to ensure a seamless transition from your old system to your new one.


* The transition from your old system to a new system may not be as painful as you think as long as you have a strategy for tackling the job. Your finances are the lifeblood of your business, so choose wisely but don’t overspend for features that you may never need. A little planning now will save you time and money in the long run. Most importantly, the right software will pay for itself quickly by increasing your efficiency and putting the information you need at your fingertips
* Most software companies offer a trial period or a demonstration of the software prior to purchase. Dont's give this just a cursory review; fully utilize all of the areas of the software you'll be using to be certain it will perform as expected.
* Most software vendors offer support options. It may be tempting to forgo support and save a little money, but this is an absolutely essential component to getting the full value out of your software purchase. Without it, you will have frustrated and unproductive users that may not be entering information correctly. Support is the most important way to protect your investment in the software.

Posting from wikihow



Free PDF to Word Doc Converter 1.1

Free PDF to Word Doc Converter description
Convert Adobe PDF file to MS Word file easily.
The Free PDF to Word Doc Converter application was designed to be a desktop document conversion tool that will convert Adobe PDF to MS Word file. The program can extract text, images, shapes from PDF file to Doc file and preserve the layout.

It can convert all the pages, or any part of the PDF file. It is a standalone program - you can convert PDF to Word Doc without Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word installed.

Here are some key features of "Free PDF to Word Doc Converter":

· Convert PDF to Word and preserve the original layout of your PDF in an editable Word Document.
· Extract text labels, graphics, shapes from PDF file into Word Doc file.
· Convert all the pages, or partial pages of PDF file to Word file.
· Support Adobe PDF 1.0 - 1.6 formats.
· Can automatically open the output Doc file when the conversion is done.
· Several PDF to Word conversion options are available for a better result.
· Convert in a high speed.
· Easy to use software.

Developer: | More programs by this producer
License : Freeware
Size / OS: 1.07 MB, Windows All





Create Computer Animation With PowerPoint

We've all seen those awesome websites full of cool flash animation that we don't have. If you want to create computer animation but you don't have the proper tools, read on.
Basic Steps
Start a new PowerPoint slideshow.

1. Before you begin, go onto the slideshow menu, and choose slide transition. Make every slide last for zero seconds.
2. Create a picture.
3. Insert a new slide, then make a picture slightly different from the last one.
4. Repeat this process, and view the slideshow. Since every frame is slightly different, it should create a moving effect.


To do a transformation is easy when your doing an animated image. However, if you're doing animated WordArt it can be quite tricky. Here is how it is done:

1. Create a WordArt image.
2. Make a duplicate slide, but make the WordArt begin to take on a curved shape.
3. Continue the process until you've got a circle of letters spinning around on the screen.
4. By this time, no-one will notice if the letters change, so type in a new word or phrase.
5. Let it continue to spin, but gradually let it uncurl into a straighter shape.
6. Enjoy.

Things You'll Need

* Powerpoint
* Creativity



CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4.

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 provides users with the tools, resources and confidence to tackle a wide variety of projects - from logos and Web graphics, to multipage brochures, to high impact signage and digital displays. New text and page layout enhancements, market-leading file format compatibility, and an expanded collection of high-quality content make this powerful suite the ultimate design partner, helping users turn inspiration into stunning results.

A comprehensive suite of intuitive page-layout, illustration, photo-editing, and bitmap-to-vector tracing applications, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is the trusted choice of millions of professional and aspiring designers worldwide. The latest version of the suite includes new tools designed to fuel the creative process, simplify project management, and optimize the graphic design workflow.

"As we developed the newest version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, we consulted with users from a wide variety of industries. We sat with them to observe how they worked, gathering their feedback on how we could create an even better user experience," said Gerard Metrailler, Director, Product Management, Graphics at Corel. "The end result is CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - a suite that provides users with easy-to-use tools that deliver outstanding results, while also having a dramatic and positive impact on their day to day productivity."

Delivering a Superior User Experience Through Improved Usability, Enhanced Interactivity, and Streamlined Workflow
